This section presents lectures on “Physics of magnetic phenomena” in Russian, read by the author at the Faculty of Physics and Technology of RAU in 2008-2012 and in 2017.
- In the initial Lectures (1-5) the main classes of magnetism are presented: diamagnetism, paramagnetism, ferromagnetism, antiferromagnetism and ferrimagnetism. The main experimental characteristics of these materials and their interpretation according to classical and quantum theories are given.
- Lectures 6 and 7 discuss current and new types of magnetism, such as spin glasses, superparamagnetism, and nanoscale magnetism. Particular attention is paid to nanotechnology: obtaining and studying the magnetic properties of metal nanoparticles in various carbon matrices, magnetism of nanographene and nanographites, carbon nanotubes.
- Lectures 8-9 are devoted to electron and nuclear paramagnetic resonances (EPR and NMR), and lecture 10 - to ferromagnetic resonance (FMR). Good fundamental science always leads to very important practical applications. Some of the most important magnetic effects and their corresponding applications are considered: magnetic electronics - spintronics, magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic hyperthermia, magnetic recording of information, magnetic refrigerators, etc. The lectures also present some results of experimental studies obtained in the author's FTT IFI laboratory.
- Lecture 1. Introduction
- Lecture 2. Diamagnetism
- Lecture 3. Paramagnetism
- Lecture 4. Ferromagnetism
- Lecture 5. Antiferromagnetism and Ferrimagnetism
- Lecture 6. Other (actual) types of magnetism, Spin glasses, Nanoscale magnetism, Superparamagnetism, Carbon magnetism in graphene and nanographites, Ferromagnetism in Nanoparticles of
Diamagnetic Metals
- Lecture 6 - Appendix I
- Lecture 6 - Appendix II
Lecture 7. The most important effects of the physics of magnetic phenomena, Giant magnetoresistance
effect, Spintronics, Giant magnetocaloric effect, some applications of magnetic nanoparticles, Magnetic biomedicine
- Lecture 8. Basics of magnetic resonance, Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR)
- Lecture 9. Nuclear magnetic resonance - NMR, basics of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
- Lecture 10. Electronic ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) in ferromagnetic, super-paramagnetic and diamagnetic nano-sized metals